Monday, November 24, 2008

Torres del Paine - day 3 - Summer

At last... A day with a really nice weather. We got up at 4am to do the 1 hour climb to the Mirador before sunrise. Unfortnuately, it was a little bit cloudy still, so we did not see the pink color on the Torres, but we still have a nice sunrise. The Torres are really spectacular.
The next picture was taken from the mirador de las Torres (which have very inventive names, such as Torre central, Torre Norte, and Torre Sur...). I particularly like the mirror image in the lake.

We then went back to the camp, packed everything, and made it to the 14.30 bus. Obviously, this last day was like summer, which made it really difficult to leave...

We had been warned that it is quite common to encounter the four seasons within a single day in Torres del Paine... Well, in my experience, it has been four seasons in four days, but this experience was definitely worth it!!!
Oh, and you can't even imagine how good was the shower back in Puerto Natales...


Unknown said...

culé' c'est trop beau ton coin... Ok, je le plante illico dans ma liste des coins à visiter.

Anonymous said...

Short pants in winter, long pants in summer ?
Is there something wrong, or is is the south hemisphere effect ?
The picture with the mirror image is really beautiful ! ;-)
Best regards

Unknown said...

C'est absolument magnifique !
J'aime surtout la deuxième photo, avec les dents enneigées au dessus.

Ca donne vraiment envie... ça va être dur de revenir au chaud à Miami après tout ça !

Grégoire said...

Je commence à être en manque de commentaires face à toutes ces photos de rêve...

Pierre said...

But... It is a pair of summer pants!!! And believe me, you dont want to walk with this pants in the rain...

Pierre said...

I also like the mirror picture :-)

Pouic said...

Même chose que les autres : a force de voir d'aussi belles photos, on ne sait plus trop quoi dire (mis à part qu'on est jaloux, toussa ;) )