Today we visited the 2nd biggest dam, which is also one of the 7 engineering wonders. It is a neutral area between Brazil and Paraguay.

Each of the 20 forced ducts leads to a 700MW generator (these white thingies...). Each one has a permanent debit corresponding to half the Iguacu falls... The guide claimed that his dam will remain the most powerful of all because the flow rate of the river Yang Tse (Yannick, please correct me if Im wrong...).

The reservoir is fairly small, (190x7 kms), but because of the important flowrate, it can be filled in 90 days, or 14 in rainy season...

Artist view of the reservoir...

One of the three spill channel... In the rainy season, the three are open, which corresponds - to use your favorite unit - 40 times the average Iguacu falls flowrate.
Tomorrow we'll be on the argentine side.
PS : Yesterday, I forgot to mention something funny : entering the park, Gustav started taking a couple of useless pictures. Once on the boat's engine started - or maybe 5 minutes after, I dont want to be rude - Gustav's camera ran out of battery... Indeed, we saw the falls for the very first time way after that...
Ok, so here come the bad excuses (for the real, obviously good, excuse you´ll have to ask me in person):
1) The battery warner doesnt work, it started warning 5 min before
2) The humid weather must have made it uncharge more rappidly than usual
3) I wasnt paying much atention as I knew Pierre had his camera, and was paying atention
4) Who cares anyway, I saw the falls, I dont need a bad 2D replica...
5) I can still by postcards/download pictures, taken by cameras a million time more expensive than mine that are waaayyy better
100) Aren´t you bored with reading bad excuses by now, dont you have something better to do...?
Oh, and another thing worth mentioning: This is the first border that we have crossed so far where the people actually seem to like their neighbors. Our Brazilian guide was obviously very proud about the dam beeing a Brazilian idea and being built and paid for mainly by Brazil. But he also said plenty of good things about Paraguay (for instance he admired the paraguayans for speaking better portuguese than the brazilians speak spanish). NICE!
The dams on the Colorado river look like toys compared to what you have seen...
Let me see : this is the equivalent of 10 large nuclear power station units...
Best regards Jean-Yves
gustav, you are not allowed to spam, from where you are, you cannot recieve postcards.
besides there is this very common thing like being tired of your co-traveler with whom you spend all your days for one month and a half, and complain about him on the blog. I was the same with jesus. but from this side it's really funny hi hihi
I am breaking up tomorrow... Dont tell Gustav.
Damn it!
Ah oui, c'est grand quand même.... o_O
J'aime bien :)
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