Saturday, September 27, 2008

San Pedro de Atacama

After a long night bus ride, stopped twice by an anti-narcotic control in Chile (apparently it happens all the time, for traffic coming from North), we made it to San Pedro de Atacama...
As the pictures show, the landscape is very different from Arica (although Gustav sees a similarity with the morro - the big rock on which stands proudly a gigantic chilean flag in Arica...).
The rock formation here is very special, and reminds (older) local people of dinosaurs.

"The Three Marias"
"Valle de la luna"
"el atardecer..."
Tomorrow, at 7.45, we'll be going to Bolivia for four days. Don't worry, Uyuni will be the most northern town we'll visit... We should be back to San Pedro de Atacama, Chile, by Wednesday afternoon. Unfortunately, we could not book a bus ride to Salta, Argentina earlier than Friday morning, so we'll have some extra time to hang out in this -overpriced - touristy town. Which means plenty of time to upload pictures from Bolivia from this suprinsingly fast Internet place (where they even have 17" flat screen, way better than the usual 15" cathodic one)...


Anonymous said...

Very impressive pictures again... for someone who likes desert landscapes it is really magnificient !...
Open your eyes and enjoy, and continue to share with us via this blog...
Have a safe trip in Uyuni
Best Regards Jean-Yves

Anonymous said...

I am not worried but thanks for asking... :p

Geek advice again : you should zoom the map by default on the part of the trip that you already did.

Anonymous said...

and the flag description should be clickable and point to the corresponding blog post. and don't tell me you don't have time, you spend 6 hours a day on the internet.

Anonymous said...

au fait niveau thunes ca en est ou ?

Pouic said...

Les photos sont vraiment splendides, particulièrèrement celle des 3 maria :)

Faîtes quand même gaffe en Bolivie ;)

Anonymous said...

oh and by the way, cathodic is an ugly frenchism. real englishmen use "CRT".

Anonymous said...

Very nice photos indeed. -And yet I can't help thinking it's probably impossible to fully capture the beauty of that kind of landscape. But why such a hurry to get out? The town may be overpriced and touristy, but the vast opportunities to make fabulous excursions of very different kinds compensates for that. So enjoy a day on a bike or why not horse-back rather than in front of a large screen :-). All the best for Uyuni!

löffis said...

Can you see any traces of the earthquake last year in San Pedro?

Pierre said...

From Uyuni...

Don´t worry, we have plenty of time to enjoy... And we do not spend so much time on the internet.
Salar de Uyuni is simply amazing. We´ll be back in Chile tomorrow at noon (which means we´ll have plenty of time to enjoy San Pedro until friday morning).
et niveau thunes... ca devrait le faire jusque Ushuaia, maximum... (Miami avec un peu de chances). et je savais pour le CRT, je retrouvais pas au moment de taper :-).

Gustav said...

Yep, Piere is right, the Salar de Uyuni trip was amazing!! I would never have imagined that there would be so much variety, the landscape changed from one breathtaking scenery to another every five to ten minutes!
As for San Pedro, I couldn´t see any traces of the earthquake, it looks exactly as last year.

Anonymous said...

Did you bring back any salt ?
If you find some sand at some other places, Pierre will be able to bring back a small personalised gift to his mother...
Best regards Jean=Yves

Yannick said...

Pour les thunes, tous tes billets d'avion sont déjà pris, non ? Au cas où, tu peux toujours économiser quelques nuits, et finir un peu à l'arrache...

Une préférence pour la vallée de la lune, tout de même. Quelle altitude ici ?

Pierre said...

altitude : 3600m pour le salar, 4500m pour le col entre le Chili et la Bolivie. et 2400m pour la vallee de la lune.

Effectivement, j'ai pris tous les billets d'avion, c'est une bonne securite!

Et non, je n'ai pas ramene de sel (ce n'est pas du sable) mais j'y penserai la prochaine fois..

Yannick said...

pourtant tu aurais pu rogner encore plus sur les dépenses suivantes... "faites moi une réduction sur le repas, je sale moi-même mes plats..."